If you have a concern about texting and driving, an app from AT&T called DriveMode may be of assistance. Here’s how it works.
You first download the AT&T DriveMode app to your phone. The app, when activated, determines whether the device is traveling in a moving vehicle or not. If it detects that you are moving, it goes into protect mode. In this mode the device automatically answers any text or email with a pre-determined message that lets the sender know that the message has been received. It also lets the sender know that the recipient is not at a safe place to respond to the message, but will certainly respond when they are in a safe place. Once the user is in a place where they are no longer in transit, it allows the user to properly respond. It is a simple device that is proving effective. It takes the pressure off of the user who would normally feel the need to respond instantly. They now know any message is being responded to and they know the messages will be saved for them to respond to later.
Texting and driving can lead to higher auto insurance rates for us all. That’s why devices that can eliminate distracted driving activities like the DriveMode app are so useful. Phocus Companies serve the Phoenix area with insurance products that can save you money. Contact us and let us show you how we can help you.
We are PROUD to have been selected to join the Rosie on the House Partnership Program --- representing al the great listeners, friends, and family of the Rosie Romero "Rosie on the House" program.
Our family has been writing Rosie and Jennifer Romero's personal (and now business insurance) for the past 30 years right here in Phoenix, Arizona.