The time to do your taxes is never very far away, and for many, it’s a stressful time. Having a complicated tax return makes it more difficult to uncover all of the available deductions and credits that reduce the final amount you may owe taxes on. Proper tax planning prevents you from having to owe too much to the IRS if anything at all. Taking pains to devise a strategy to keep your liability to a minimum, makes tax season much less aggravating.
The experts at Phocus Companies are thoroughly versed in the tax code, and are capable of finding the deductions and credits that you are legally entitled to. These reductions range from the personal exemption to child care tax credits and are subtracted from the amount of money you are to be taxed on. Showing less income lowers the amount of tax you may be liable for. And if you find that you owe, even after everything has been applied, a tax planning strategy can be created to help you avoid owing in the future.
For more information about tax planning services in the greater Phoenix area, contact Phocus Companies today.
We are PROUD to have been selected to join the Rosie on the House Partnership Program --- representing al the great listeners, friends, and family of the Rosie Romero "Rosie on the House" program.
Our family has been writing Rosie and Jennifer Romero's personal (and now business insurance) for the past 30 years right here in Phoenix, Arizona.