Many of those presently insured may not be aware that they can insure that rates won’t go up by purchasing extra insurance. Purchasing extra insurance with minor violations forgiveness and accident forgiveness can represent incredible savings. For those who do not have accident forgiveness on their plan, any accident can cause their premiums to go up tremendously. This includes accidents that aren’t even the policy holder’s fault. This is because once someone claims an accident, even if it wasn’t their fault, their risk goes up. Accident forgiveness prevents this from happening.
Minor violations forgiveness is also another extremely valuable aspect of automobile insurance. Minor violations can also cause insurance to go up, but if the policy holder has protection against these minor violations they won’t have to worry about every small thing that occurs in their daily driving life. Adding extra features to a policy holder’s insurance policy are an excellent way to for a policy holder to gain some peace of mind and not have to worry about unexpected events.
For more information about accident auto insurance and how to insure that auto rates won’t go up contact Phocus Companies.
We are PROUD to have been selected to join the Rosie on the House Partnership Program --- representing al the great listeners, friends, and family of the Rosie Romero "Rosie on the House" program.
Our family has been writing Rosie and Jennifer Romero's personal (and now business insurance) for the past 30 years right here in Phoenix, Arizona.